Terms of Service

LVL18 Design Corp. - Terms of Service

Last Updated: 2024-02-06

1. General Provisions

1.1 Commencement of Work:

LVL18 Design Corp. begins work upon receipt of an order via phone, email, or in writing, thereby establishing a contractual agreement. Invoices are electronically generated and sent to clients, with Bank Transfer as the preferred payment method.

1.2 Liability:

LVL18 Design Corp. assumes no legal liability for losses or damages resulting from its work. Quotations are valid for 30 days, and these Terms and Conditions supersede all prior agreements.

1.3 Termination:

LVL18 Design Corp. reserves the right to terminate a project under specific circumstances, such as disruptive client behavior or a lack of communication for 60 days.

2. Website Development

2.1 Client Approval:

Design work requires client approval and 'sign-off' before website code and functionality development commences. Significant changes to design or functionality may incur additional charges.

2.2 Client Responsibilities:

Clients are responsible for providing agreed materials and ensuring ownership or proper permissions for any submitted content.

2.3 Copyright:

LVL18 Design Corp. retains copyright for individual artwork and design created for client projects. Clients must seek written permission for any alterations or commercial reuse of the design.

3. Browser Compatibility

While efforts are made to ensure compatibility with various web browsers, LVL18 Design Corp. does not guarantee correct function with all browser software. Compatibility with specified mobile devices must be agreed upon before project commencement.

4. Website Hosting

LVL18 Design Corp. provides hosting and maintenance services for existing website pages and minor changes. Clients hosting with third parties are responsible for maintaining the website.

5. SEO and Web Presence Campaigns

Campaign details, costs, and payment terms are outlined in recurring invoices and estimates. Cancelling ongoing campaigns incurs chargeable outstanding balances, and persistent non-payment may result in legal action.

6. Payment Terms

6.1 Deposit:

LVL18 Design Corp. requires a 75% deposit before commencing work, with the remaining 25% due upon completion of the project. For projects totaling under $1,000 CAD, full payment is invoiced and due before commencement.

6.2 Final Payment:

Final payment is due according to agreed payment terms, specified on the initial estimate or each invoice. Accounts outstanding after 30 days may be suspended, and clients agree to pay all reasonable costs, expenses, and legal fees for default accounts.

6.3 Ownership:

Website code and graphics remain the property of LVL18 Design Corp. until all accounts are paid in full.